Danubius University

Richterova č. 1171

925 21 Sládkovičovo

Slovak Republic

tel : +421 31 773 28 11

Forum of foreign languages, politology and international relations

Dear readers,
Allow us to introduce you the focus of the VŠD magazine on Foreign Languages, Political Science and International Relations. It publishes research, scholary articles, discussions and reviews. It is a scientifically reviewed journal that is included in the ERIH Plus publications list. (European Reference Index for the Humanities)
The first section - linguistics - is devoted to the needs and results of research in linguistics, didactics, world literature and language education. Our primary goal is to have a high professional and methodological level, and at the same time to become a helpful platform for all those involved in foreign language teaching.
The second section - Political Science and International Relations - focuses on scientific and scholarly contributions, studies, reviews, and information about events in the political science community. The themes include political philosophy and theory, comparative political science, political sociology, policy analysis, European studies, international relations, and security studies.
We believe that the focus of our magazine will address you, that the presented results of your research will attract you and that the circle of readers and contributors will gradually expand.
magazine editorial